Yesterday, I drank pink coffee.
Well, that is only half true.
It was pink, but it wasn't coffee. For the first time ever, I drove through Starbucks and ordered something other than coffee. Shocking, isn't it?
It was Tazo Passion Fruit Iced Tea Lemonade. Shaken, not stirred. With two Splenda.
Ooooooohhhh my!
Someone save me. I'm drowning in Ice Tea Lemonade bliss. I may never go back to coffee again.
(Just kidding, coffee. You know I love you.)
Seriously, though. It was THAT good.
I also liked this Tazo Passion Fruit Iced Tea Lemonade because it afforded me the pleasure of drinking something pink.
Yes, I'm a girl. Yes, I like pink. I'm not afraid to admit it.
I'm also not afraid to admit that this tropical pink beverage, with its citrus-y flavor, reminded me oh-so-much of summer and drinking it was like taking a mini-vacation back to July. I wanted to find my flip-flops. And sunscreen. Maybe grab a towel and go lay out on the beach.
I miss July.
Anyway, Happy New Year y'all! May 2010 bring you lots of opportunities to try new things! (Because you never know when you might find something delicious and cold and pink!)
December 31, 2009
Happy (pink) New Year!
December 29, 2009
A Piece of Quiet
10:17 pm.
Caleb is in bed. He was allowed to stay up later tonight, thanks to a rare two-hour nap this afternoon. He's not asleep yet; sounds like he's listening to police scanners in there. But that's just his new favorite toy: a large, rather realistic looking (and sounding) police car. Caleb has barely been parted from it since Christmas morning.
Course, I don't let him bring it in the car. The last thing I need is to hear sirens, see lights, and pull the car over only to discover the policeman is my son in the backseat. Heh.
The other new favorite around here is a set of Handy Manny tools, complete with singing tool box. Caleb loves pretending to take things apart with the screwdrivers and whacking his other (unfortunate) toys with the hammer.
Ah, the sights and sounds of an almost-three-year-old after Christmas!
Our Christmas was good, albeit busy. Busy and happy.
Today that busy-ness came to an abrupt halt. Mom and Harry left this morning before the sun came up. Caleb and I spent the day at home. We played with his new toys, his new jungle gym, read new books and watched new Veggie Tales movies. I don't always make the time to play with him like I want (and some days it's beyond my control), but today was fun. Restful. Just right.
You know what else I did today?
Are you ready for it?
I did nothing. And I had to give myself permission to do it, too.
I'm a busy person by nature. This is both a good and a bad thing. But this morning, realizing how insanely busy we've been the last six weeks, I decided to halt my To-Do list before it gained momentum and ran me over and decided to put everything off til tomorrow.
The late Christmas cards that still need to be mailed? They can wait.
The Amish Friendship bread I wanted to bake? Eh, one more day won't kill the starter.
Dishes? Those can wait, too.
Today was a sabbath, my first in quite some time. Even Caleb got into the spirit of things and took that nice, long nap while I frittered (yes, frittered) away the afternoon on WoW.
At first I felt guilty. My list of projects grows, and housework always needs tending to. But I heard a Still Small Voice telling me to rest today because I needed it. My family needed it. So I did.
Boy, did it feel good!
Tomorrow will come with its demands and responsibilities, but for now I'm enjoying the peaceful end to a quiet day.
December 24, 2009
Deck The Halls!
Would you believe we decorated our Christmas tree this morning?
Normally, the tree would've been decorated weeks ago; but this month has been especially busy for us and, well, let's just say I'm thankful we even put our tree up this year.
Even though it's Christmas Eve, decorating the tree today meant that Mom and Harry were here to participate with us. (Actually, Jason had to work and Harry made breakfast, so the only tree elves on duty this morning were Mom, me, and Caleb).
Caleb's old enough now to enjoy the ornaments, if still a little young to understand they're supposed to stay on the tree. Details, right? So I let him pick out a couple of sturdy ones and he played chase with a one-horse open sleigh and a felt snowman.
I love pulling out our ornaments every year. They are old friends; each one holds special memories, because every year, I buy a new ornament that symbolizes something important from our year. Like the stone memorials of the Old Testament, our ornaments mark momentous moments in our life as a family. What God has done for us, what God has done through us. They are a remembrance of His blessings.
May I share a few favorites with you?
It's also a favorite because "Masquerade" is my favorite song from the musical and this ornament plays a clip of that song.

A Celtic Cross (2001), from a summer missions trip to Northern Ireland. I met Lindsay on that trip, who would eventually become my best friend and adopted big sister.

This is our ornament from last year (2008). It's Noah's Ark with
woodland animals and pine trees. I bought it because it reminded me of our trip to Washington last summer and because I hoped God would eventually move us there.
(He did).

'Course, some ornaments are bought simply because they're fun!
For example, my S'Mores Snowman:

Caleb's Pirate Ship.
And because we love our Veggies:

Here's this year's ornament:
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Eve and a Merrier Christmas Day tomorrow, dear friends!
"After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi
December 20, 2009
I Need A Silent Night
Hello? Hello?
Well now, I do believe this is my blog.
Aaa-choo! Wow, dusty in here! And what's that over there? A cobweb?
Oh my. We have work to do.
*pulls out the broom and mop*
While I'm busy, here's a song I've wanted to share with you all month long. And with it, our Christmas season (thus far) in pictures.
The Slide!)
Do you think he likes it?
December 12, 2009
A Merry Change of Plans
So my mother-in-law calls this morning. She and my father-in-law are gone for the weekend, so her call was a bit of a surprise.
"Hey Nicole! We're at the Lights of Christmas on Camano Island. This place is just amazing! We've got a hotel room, and John and I were wondering if you guys wanted to come up today and stay with us? We have two extra tickets and Caleb would just love it!"
She goes on to tell me about the petting zoo, the trails all lit up with lights, the dinner theater, the Polar Express train rides, and the Victorian Carolers. I listen and drool.
But then I say, "Kim, I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure we can't come. Jason and I were planning to paint Caleb's jungle gym today."
[This is where the I-don't-handle-change-of-plans-well part of my personality surfaces]
But I do go on to say, "I will talk to Jason and see what he says; I'm not sure we can swing it, but I'd really like to come."
[Enter the I-would-really-like-to-come-but-I'm-positive-my-husband-will-say-no-so-I'm-not-going-to-get-my-hopes-up attitude. I'm sure Kim could hear it in my voice].
I hang up the phone (or rather, I hit the cancel button on my cell) and march down the stairs to Jason. I begin to relay to him what his mother has just told me.
"Well, would you like to go?" he asks. I look at him. One of those looks. A look that says Please don't mess with me. He smirks at me and says "I guess I already know the answer to that."
"The real question is, is it worth it? To put all our plans on hold?" I'm a planner type of person. I don't feel comfortable changing plans rapidly; it kinda scares me, actually. And if I leave work undone, I feel guilty.
But. I do want to go. This place sounds amazing. And after all, it is Christmas. :) So goes the internal struggle.
That's when I brought up the website for Warm Beach. We started watching a little video presentation on these Lights of Christmas, and after 3.6 seconds, Jason says: "Ok, I've seen enough. We're going."
I sure love that man. I do. :)
And not because he agrees to take me fun, beautiful, amazing places. But rather because he allows room for changes and isn't bothered by putting off work and chores when something unique and special comes along.
So today and tonight, instead of painting, we will be caroling and petting animals and riding trains and eating freshly fried doughnuts. :)
Merry Christmas!
December 4, 2009
Snapshot (and Soapbox) of the Week
All year long, I've had this little calendar keeping me company:It belonged to my Grandma; she always did have an eye for pretty things. When Mom and I started going through her stuff last January, we found an extra one and Mom said I could have it.
Not only is this calendar pretty to look at, it has some fun quotes, too. So imagine my surprise when I flipped the page up to December on Monday and found this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Nothing can bring you peace but yourself."
As I read it through the first time, I was absolutely expecting it to say ". . . but Jesus." After all, it is December, the Christmas season, and even in our secular culture you see a lot of Jesus references and manger scenes this time of year.
At first, I crossed out Ralph's name and wrote my own. Then I realized that I can't really take credit for the idea of Jesus bringing us peace. That one was all God. So I fixed that, too.
For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one
December 1, 2009
The Elves Are Busy in Santa's Workshop
Some of you may remember the Project? El Proyecto Numero Uno? Well, it's finally underway.
*does happy dance*
We started building it Sunday afternoon, after a family trip to Home Depot (and by family, I mean the entire Neuhauser clan!). And yes, I took pictures to share with y'all!
Something closer to what the finished product will look like. Rope railings, race car track next to the slide, and a rock climbing wall beside that.
Half of the basic platform, already built! It stands about five feet tall, so Caleb has room to grow.