October 14, 2010

When Life Gives You Rocks ...

. . . make a mud hole!

The mud hole was not intentional; I was actually trying to dig up the ground for some bulbs. But I didn't get very far. Our front yard is extraordinarily rocky; I figured this out yesterday as the shovel hit rock after rock after rock. Not the best place to plant bulbs. Not to mention the sheer amount of grunt work necessary to unearth all those rocks was a bit more than I bargained for. After only twenty minutes, I'd tweaked my back pretty good.

Sooooooo, I let someone else have a go at the hole.

He thought maybe some water would help.

And it did! A little water made the perfect mud hole.
And a certain someone thought this was just about the best thing ever. He played in his hole for a solid forty-five minutes and would've stayed out later if I'd let him. :)
Unfortunately, I'm not sure what to do with these now . . .

Planters of some sort are in order. But store-bought planters are expensive. Anyone have any ideas?

October 12, 2010

Slice of Life

Food shopping on Friday
(which is what we do every Friday)
A visit to the Toy Aisle at Wally World
((which we also do every Friday))
We have quite the routine. :)
But this picture? Not so routine.

Check out the cowboy hat and nerf sword.
Mixing our genres a bit, aren't we little boy?
Not that he cares.

Just look at that smile! :)
I may or may not have joined my son for some sword fighting right there in the store.
I may or may not have wielded a nerf ax.
And I may or may not have earned a few raised eyebrows from fellow shoppers who passed by.
I'll never tell. :)
But I will tell you this. The nerf sword went home with us.
Some things you just can't fight. Cuteness is one of them.
But the cuteness didn't stop at Wal-Mart.
Driving into the parking lot of our local produce market, we spotted a mountain of pumpkins.
Well, of course we had to explore!
(Between the two stores, we seem to have lost a pair of shoes. See those bare feet?)

And you should have seen the look on this little boy's face when I told him we could take a pumpkin home, too.

You'd think he'd won the lottery. :)

Ahh, sweet moments that make me smile.

So how are y'all doing these days? I know I haven't been around much. Are you enjoying fall, wherever you live? Savoring the colors and smells and seasonal foods? What moments in your week have made you smile?