So. Jason got sick two weeks ago. Came home from work at 10am on a Tuesday and didn't go back to work until the following Thursday. He only gets sick about once a year (the punk), and this one definitely landed him on his back (more like his computer chair, actually).
Anyway, after a week playing nurse I still hadn't caught his bug, so I figured I was lucky (blessed, relieved, fill in the blank with a "happy" adjective). For once, Jay had gotten sick and I hadn't. That never happens.
But that record's still intact because I woke up last Saturday with the tell-tale signs of a sore throat and stuffy nose. Two weeks later. Go figure. Now I talk funny when I'm on the phone and I can't smell Caleb when he's poopy.
And it's not just me. Little Man caught the bug, too. I've kept him home from school the last two days due to the nasty yellow junk still running out his nose.
We spent the weekend (and most of this week thus far) hunkered down in our den: Caleb watching a variety of cartoons on the lap top while I did a variety of things on my computer: play Mass Effect (my new favorite computer game), mess around on Facebook, more Mass Effect, watch episode after episode of Myth Busters, change a diaper, fix a quick lunch, download fun scrapbook papers and elements, and scrapbook with said new papers and elements.
That last one is what I spent most of yesterday doing. Because guess what? One of my favorite digital scrapbook supply stores recently put a TON of their stuff up for free download. Did you hear that?! FREE!
The store is called {Computer} I discovered their freebie deal a few weeks ago, but it's taken me a looooong time (read: hours on four separate occasions) to download everything I wanted. And now I want to share all the fun freebies with you! Just click on the link above, then click on the Free Stuff button in the left hand column.
Their stuff can be used for more than just scrapbooking, so if you're into paper products, designing your own cards, or creating a new blog look, check 'em out. You'll be delighted! I promise. :)
Here's a look at what I created yesterday with some of the fun new stuff:

Primarily, I used the Sunset Kit for these layouts; the see-through alphabet letters come from the True Love Kit. I'm all about mixing and matching, ya know?
Being sick isn't so bad with all this new stuff to play around with. And if you have some Olympic Figure Skating to watch, well! You might want to stay sick a little longer.
Bless ya'lls heart! I hope you guys feel a lot better, and soon. Love your scrapbook pages! I really need to just bite the bullet and make some!
SO sorry you are all sickies. :( Bummer deal man.
People keep telling me I should try digi scrapbooking, but just hearing that it took you hours to download the stuff you wanted makes me even more certain I just don't have the time for it!! Love your layouts, tho!
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