We've had no fewer than five sunny days in a row. No wind. No rain.
We joked that Mom brought the sun up with her from California. Privately, though, we agreed that God had heard, and answered, our prayers for beautiful weather while she was here.
You know what's wonderful about having my mom come visit? My dirty dishes magically disappeared every night. Piles of clean laundry somehow ended up on top of the washer, neatly folded. Even the stairs got vacuumed when I wasn't looking.
I really ought to ask my mom where she gets those cleaning fairies from. Have to get me some. Because I have a sneaking suspicion that they left when she did.
But what was more wonderful than even cleaning fairies was the time we got to spend together: laughing, talking, shopping, hiking, watching movies, and playing with Caleb.
Caleb calls her "Grammie" (which sometimes sounds more like "Gammie"), and for the five days she was here, she was his favorite person. Whatever she ate, he wanted to eat too. Wherever she went, he had to go, too. If she happened to disappear around the corner at Target, he immediately raised a ruckus: "Grammie? Grammie? Where go?" Then tears. Until we caught up with her, then it was all smiles and "Grammie! Grammie! I found!"
Priceless. I'm tellin' ya.
I have a pretty amazing mom. I didn't always know this, but the realization has slowly been dawning on me as I get older. She was the first one to teach me about Jesus. She was the one who prayed the sinner's prayer with me when I was five. My earliest desire to read the bible came from watching her get on her knees every morning in her bathroom to pray and read.
She used to sing to me most nights before bed, and I still find myself humming those songs as I wash dishes or drive around town.
She has helped plan and throw numerous parties, even playing the maid (in full costume) for an evening at a Colonial New Year's celebration I threw when I was twelve. She not only helped me cook several authentic old English dishes for the occasion, but also cleaned up the whole mess afterwards when I got sick off the whipped syllabub.
What can I say? She's a mom. She's my mom.
She paid for my honeymoon and a good portion of my wedding. She was in the hospital with me when I gave birth to Caleb.
I've watched her show tremendous courage in the face of fear; I've seen her cling to Jesus faithfully through all the ups and downs of her life. I've taken her for granted way too many times. I love her dearly. I've missed her oodles since our move to Washington.
(and not just because she brings cleaning fairies with her when she visits ;)
So Mom, even though you are back home in California now, know that you are loved and missed and cherished.
And as for all you other ladies out there, call your mom some time this week and tell her you love her. She put up with a lot to raise you. ;)

And to end this post on a slightly less-mushy note, I give you my very first-ever Bloggie Video (here's hoping it works!)
Catching Frogs at the Lake Last Saturday
Awwww, what a sweet Momma! Mine always cleans when she comes over, too. It's amazing. ;) One day that'll be us. Praise the Lord for good Moms, who spent so much investing in us. Truly IN us. Because they know the inside counts. So glad ya'll had a great time together, what precious precious memories!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Me-me. You are so very much loved.
Hey, the video worked! Pretty cool, indeed! Love, Mom
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