A lot of people are writing posts about what summer means to them and
Summer took its sweet time in coming to the Pacific Northwest this year. June saw temperatures in the 50s and 60s consistently. We still had flannel sheets on the bed on the 4th of July.
But warm weather is indeed here. Finally.
Here's a peek at what summer looks like for us
on our Island home.
Summer is . . .
~ Anniversaries ~
We celebrated six years this June!
(Incidentally, we also celebrated the one year anniversary of our move to WA a few weeks ago!)

~ Crab Season ~
My father-in-law's freezer is packed with crab for the winter.
Our freezer's pretty full, too!

Lindsay and her husband came to visit us the first part of July, just in time for my birthday and their anniversary. We had such a great time!

~ Birthday Presents ~

(My new camera!!!)

(Do I look a little excited?)

~ Birthday Presents ~
(My new camera!!!)
Instead of cake, this year we make Canoli Cones, from that Hungry Girl cookbook.
They were amazing!!!

~ Lazy Days at the Lake ~
Cranberry Lake, to be exact. One of our favorite spots!
Cranberry Lake, to be exact. One of our favorite spots!

Heather and her mom came up to see us for a few days!
I had so much fun showing them around the Island. :)
The lighthouse at Ft. Casey
Wildlife, anyone?

I mean no disrespect, Mr. Barrie!

Do you think Mr. Barrie would mind a female Capt. Hook?
I hope not.
I mean no disrespect, Mr. Barrie!
Wow! It looks as if you're enjoying a gorgeous summer!
"Emma"!!! :)
I especially love the pictures of the lavender. They make me think of Provence in France. Somewhere I want to visit soon ...
And, OF COURSE, happy anniversary, my friend! :)
P.S. "Topic of the Week" on my blog is "heroines" - do come and join the conversation ... I'd really love to know what you think!!! :)
I really enjoy reading you blog:-) Your summer looks so lovely and full of the PNW!
Elisabeth, yes! We are lovin' the summer here. Soaking up as much sunshine as possible before the dark, rainy days return.
If you do visit Provence (and I don't die of jealousy), you MUST take lots of pictures!!! I'd really love to visit France one day! (And England, too, of course! ;) So many beautiful things to see in Europe...
Shannon, hi!!! How'd you find my blog? :) It's been so fun reconnecting with you after all this time... now we can be blogging buddies, too! Yes, our summer has been lovely so far... we really try to take advantage of the sunshine. How's your summer been down south? Any rain?
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