February 15, 2010

Valentines Day: Belated and Past

I had such fun reading over Ashleigh's valentine memories the other day, I resolved to write a similar post of my own. Unfortunately (or perhaps, fortunately), real life happened in abundance this weekend and I haven't had the chance to sit down, collect my thoughts, and write.

So I hope y'all don't mind extending the pink and red holiday another twenty-four hours so I can relive my uber-romantic memories for you. (Not).

Jason and I are not what you'd call mushy, sappy, or lovey-dovey. In fact, we're probably more romantically-challenged than most. I think in the eight years we've been together (in one form or another), we've made bona fide Valentines plans twice. Now let's see how good my memory is . . .

Valentines 2002:
Nothing much to report here, I'm afraid. We were in the early stages of friendship at this point, sharing breakfasts out once a week at our favorite hole in the wall. We were no where near serious enough to consider each other "our valentines", and thus, this holiday passed us by unmarked.

Valentines 2003:
We were officially a couple and loving it. :) My university hosted a Valentines banquet aboard an 1880s steam boat in downtown San Diego, and we went with a bunch of my friends from school. Formal attire and everything. I still have framed pictures from that night. They are some of our favorites . . . All together now, ok? Awwwwwwwwww.

Valentines 2004:
Engaged! Planning our wedding for June, busy with up-coming midterms. We didn't do much; I think I might have spelled I *heart* You with Reeces Peanut Butter cups on Jason's card table in an attempt to be cute. That's all I remember.

Valentines 2005:
Our first as a married couple. Don't think we did anything this year, either. Knowing us, we probably got Chineese and watched some Netflix.

Valentines 2006:
aka, Bona Fide Plans #2
Our church hosted a Valentine's banquet for married couples. They served us dinner and had a dessert bar with two enormous chocolate fountains and piles (I mean PILES) of yummy things to dip with. The church also hired a Christian comedian for the evening's entertainment; he was hilarious! We had such a good time.

(Two months later, we found out I was pregnant with Caleb, which may or may not have affected the outcome of Valentines 2007)

Valentines 2007:
Nothing comes to mind. Caleb's first three months of life are a blur, filled with lots of trips to the doctors, Rite Aid, and Hollywood Video. I doubt we even noticed Heart Day this year between all the laundry, dirty diapers, and Baby Blues.

Valentines 2008:
This year, V-Day fell on a Thursday which was our night for Home Fellowship. Instead of cancelling bible study, however, those of us with kids all met at McDonalds for dinner. We visited while the kids played and outside, the rain poured. Jason wasn't even there for most of it, because he had to work late. Oogly-googly romantic, doncha think? Now please pass the fries . . .

Valentines 2009:
I know this was just last year, but my mind draws a blank yet again. Mom and Harry probably watched Caleb for us one of the weekends in February; we never made a habit of going out on Valentines in San Diego, because the restaurants are always packed and we don't like to fight the crowds. Nothing says "I love you" like a two hour wait with a roomful of strangers, smelling yummy food you cannot eat. You know?

Valentines 2010:
We had some new friends of ours over for dinner the night of the 13th. They brought a portable chocolate fountain with them, and we joked that we were living up Valentines in style this year, what with the fountain and our four combined children running around the house wanting to help with the chocolate, look at the chocolate, touch the chocolate, and eat the chocolate. :)

I actually spent yesterday away from my hubby and with the same mommy friend who had come for dinner the night before. We had lunch and got facials done. Did very girly things. :)

When I came home, I made blackberry stuffed french toast with eggs and bacon for my boys (which also included my brother-in-law). And that was V-Day 2010.

Terribly, totally romantic, eh? We're a regular Romeo and Juliet.

Or not. But hey! we're not complaining. We love each other the same, every day of the year and that's what really counts.

Once more, ok? Awwwwwwwwww.

Now a question for you: Which would you prefer to receive on Valentines: chocolate, flowers, or a cute, soft, stuffed animal?

This question assumes you are not romantically-challenged. And yes, you may answer even if you don't have a valentine yet. :)


Linds said...

And I was officially a part of your first Valentine's day as a couple!! As for your question, I got a card and a bar of chocolate flavored with Malibu this year. In the past I've gotten stuffed animals and flowers. I truly just enjoy spending a day with Mike, though we do that every day. :)

LeAnna said...

"Awwww!" You guys crack me up! We don't always make big plans (um, any day...) because they never happen like we plan 'em. Such is life! I'd totally rather have chocolate or flowers over stuffed animals. I don't need one more furry thing sitting around, when I can hug my own hairy beast any ol' day of the week. ;) I, however, cannot eat my man like a piece of chocolate. Do you see where all of this is going? Priorities!
A portable chocolate fountain sounds like entirely too much fun. I need a chocolate dipped piece of something like I need two more love handles. But that's besides the point! Glad you had a good time with friends!

Ashleigh Baker said...

Love it! This is why we all get along well. ;)

Answer: chocolate. Lots of it. va

Mama Sue said...

Chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate... dark of course!

Love your blog. Love, Mom

Nicole said...

Heheheh, thanks for the comments, peeps! I loved reading your preferences and hey! looks like chocolate won out as "most popular."

I wonder why . . . :D