Just an FYI for ya'll.
The Inkwell is under construction. What you see is not real. What you see is not a finished product. What you see is, well, a figment of your imagination.
I'd really appreciate it if you would go now and forget the horrendous clashing of colors you've witnessed here today. I don't want to be responsible for the nightmares that may follow.
Thank you.
March 31, 2009
Run Far Away
March 29, 2009
A Week With my Sis-in-Law

Caleb did decide, however, that bat rays were worth slowing down for. Or maybe it was just the lure of cold salt water. Either way, we all got a chance to touch the rays, and Caleb soaked his shirt from all the excited splashing.

See how happy he is completely drenched?
The rest of us waited until we were in the parking lot before dousing each other with water bottles. Helen started it. Jason responded. I finished it. :) 'Nuff said.
Friday morning came way too soon. Driving home from the airport, I realized how blessed I am to have such an awesome relationship with my inlaws. Especially Helen. We've been friends longer than Jason and I have known each other. And we still get along. We still enjoy each other's company. She calls me her sister, and having no siblings of my own, I love that. :)

I love you, Helen! We miss you already. Come back soon!
March 22, 2009
This post may seem random and disjointed. Allow me to apologize in advance, as I have no set "theme" for this post. Just a week in review, a snapshot in time of where I'm at and where I will be in the near future.

March 18, 2009
The White Kitten Says Farewell
Waiting for three TY kitties I ordered from Ebay to come. Caleb adopted a pure white TY kitten about six months ago; only, it's not, uh, pure white anymore because our son loves to, erm, chew on his favorite stuffies. I've washed it and washed it, but now the tail and ears are permanently stained (please don't ask with what) and the poor thing smells. So a funeral will be held for the white kitten later in the week after it, ahem, meets with a tragic accident.
However, since the white kitten is one of Caleb's favorite little friends, I had to find replacements. And guess what?? I found three new TY kitties on Ebay for the same price that we originally paid for the white one. Ka-ching!
Hopefully Caleb won't care that these new friends aren't white. They are black and white, brown and white, and siamese. And hopefully, they'll be accepted as new favorite stuffies, because I couldn't find a new white kitten.
March 16, 2009
From Ireland With Love
I made these earlier today while Caleb was napping.
They're mint chocolate cookies. Mmmmmm! Mint and chocolate are a match made in heaven! They passed the husband test, too. ;) As sweet as they look, they are not overpowering, either in the mint or the chocolate department. Just the right amount of each, blended together for a green-minty-Irish-chocolatey-cloud-confection.
I found the recipe in an Irish Crafts and Cook book I saw at the grocery store the other day. You know, the ones that are only produced and sold for the holiday? I don't usually buy such items, but these cookies looked too good to be ignored. The book has some other interesting recipes (and a few crafts I may try my hand at), so I bought it.
The best part? These cookies are super easy! I'm sorta wishing I'd doubled the recipe now, so I could take some to class tonight. Oh well . . . I guess we'll just have to enjoy them here at home. We all have our burdens to bear . . . but I'm not bearing this one alone! Here's the recipe. Once you've tasted them, you'll dance an Irish jig and start believing in leprechauns. I promise!!
Mint Chocolate Cookie Recipe
- 1 box Devil's Food cake mix
- 5 tbs. butter, melted
- 2 eggs
- 2 tsp. peppermint extract, divided
- 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
- 5-6 drops green food coloring
- 1 container vanilla frosting (about 16 oz.)
- Green sugar sprinkles
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray cookie sheets lightly with nonstick spray.
- Beat cake mix, butter, eggs, and 1 tsp. peppermint extract in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed for 1-2 min until smooth. Stir in chocolate chips.
- Drop spoonfuls of dough on cookie sheets, 2 inches apart. Bake 12 minutes. Cool completely.
- Stir remaining 1 tsp. peppermint extract and food coloring with frosting, until well mixed. Frost cookies with desired amount of frosting and top with green sugar sprinkles.
See? I told you they were easy!! Now go forth and make much Irish minty chocolate goodness! Oh, and have a Happy St. Patties Day, too!!
March 14, 2009
From Korea With Love
My, but this week has been busy! I have half a dozen posts simmering in my brain, but have had nary a moment for writing them down. Until tonight. After an afternoon in Temecula meeting up with an old friend I haven't seen in ten years :), I find myself sitting in a quasi-clean livingroom with a son who went to bed early and a husband absorbed with killing bad guys in a place called Utgarde Pinnacle.
So I think I'll let this post out of my brain and onto the page. ;)
As promised, I finally have pictures of my Korean students! Well, sort of. I'm not sure if it's Korean custom to hide your face whenever a camera appears, or if I'm just blessed with seven of the shyest kids around. Either way, you'll have to forgive the faceless photos. I begged. I really did.
If I were Robin Hood, these four would be my Merry Men. They love to laugh, love to tease and we do a good deal of both. My private joke with Yuri is that she'll laugh at anything. And it's true. I can look at her funny, and she'll giggle uncontrollably. The boys know this and take advantage of it every chance they get. Then Big Bad Teacher has to step in and say "Back to work, or it's the coal mines for you!" or some such other nonsense. Then Yuri laughs even harder.
Studying does actually occur around here. No, really! It does!
So there you have it, friends. A little taste of Korea, from me to you. Oh, and if you're wondering why Yuri and JP are making peace signs at the camera, that is an Asian custom. My Japanese students did it too. I never figured out why . . . maybe I could ask. And maybe between the laughter, the demands for "Star Bucks!", and the incorrect grammar, I might actually get an answer . . .
March 6, 2009
We Know Good-Bye is Not the End
March 2, 2009
Good Springs Come to Those Who Wait
This morning I took Caleb out for a hike in Santee (near our home).
Told you spring was here.
And here are those fuzzy caterpillars which are hatching everywhere.
"Fuzzy galloping caterpillars, Batman!"
Ready or not, I cannot deny the landscape is mighty pretty.
One of these years I'll remember where I live and that we only have two seasons here: hot and cool. One of these years, spring (aka, the three weeks leading up to summer) will cease to take me by surprise. One of these years, I'll just enjoy said three weeks of spring and try to forget how brown and ugly everything will be by June.
Yep, one of these years.