I must confess, I'm a little loathe to leave this week behind. Even as Sunday draws to a close and I feel the new week calling, I close my eyes and wish it could last a little longer. Because this last week with Helen was just so. much. fun. I'm not gonna lie ;) It was absolutely a blast.
As much as it was her vacation (she came down on spring break in between quarters), it was also a respite for us. A break from the daily grind. A much-needed break, I might add. The weather cooperated, giving us sun and warm temperatures all week. Just what Helen was hoping for. We hiked, watched movies (Penelope, Wall-E, Twilight, and Oscar), visited SeaWorld and the beach, took Caleb to the park, talked tons and tons, and took lots of pictures. Lots.
On Tuesday, Helen opened a beauty parlor in our kitchen and cut my hair. We spent two hours chatting and snipping, while Caleb slept uncharacteristically long. I'm now sporting an oh-so-cute style that has been inversely bobbed. I love love love it!
Thursday, after ordering photos from her camera, we did some unplanned clothes shopping around Wal-Mart. We found some really pretty new dresses for spring, and found some other cute things on clearance as well. I don't buy new clothes very often, and my wardrobe was in need of a pick-me-up. I know some of you may snicker at the thought of finding fun, cute clothes in Wal-Mart, but honestly? I find some of the best stuff there. And you can't beat the price. :)
Sea World was probably the highlight of our week. Helen had her camera out constantly, and she was well rewarded for her diligence. She managed to get some really perfect pictures of the animals, and incidentally, her nephew. See?

Caleb did decide, however, that bat rays were worth slowing down for. Or maybe it was just the lure of cold salt water. Either way, we all got a chance to touch the rays, and Caleb soaked his shirt from all the excited splashing.

See how happy he is completely drenched?
The rest of us waited until we were in the parking lot before dousing each other with water bottles. Helen started it. Jason responded. I finished it. :) 'Nuff said.
Friday morning came way too soon. Driving home from the airport, I realized how blessed I am to have such an awesome relationship with my inlaws. Especially Helen. We've been friends longer than Jason and I have known each other. And we still get along. We still enjoy each other's company. She calls me her sister, and having no siblings of my own, I love that. :)

I love you, Helen! We miss you already. Come back soon!
Love the pictures! Your little guy is adorable! I completely agree, WM has some cute clothes. I wish ours carried more of a selection though, seems like you have to visit 5 different ones before you find something around here. :P
And a hearty YES to the fact it is a blessing to enjoy your in-laws. I do not have that nicety. ;)
Show us the hair, girl!
Pictures of the hair will come... maybe. I'm seriously not that photogenic. More like photoscary. So we'll see. Depends on how courageous I feel. ;)
Aww....looks like you guys had a great time! Hoping we'll get to come out soon....possibly early next year!
And I agree with LeAnna, though I don't know her - Show us the hair!!
love you =)
Heck yeah (I mean about finding cute clothes at WalMart)! I'm a Target gal myself, and I own some quality pieces from its house brands and designer collaborations. BTW, I love the new color palette of your blog!
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