This post may seem random and disjointed. Allow me to apologize in advance, as I have no set "theme" for this post. Just a week in review, a snapshot in time of where I'm at and where I will be in the near future.
Time has changed since Jason was laid off. The days blur together, with no set boundary between week and weekend. Whereas our family schedule was clearly defined before by the five days Jason worked and the two days he was off, I now tell time by Caleb's speech group appointments, the nights I work, and church and the two bible studies I attend. Life is still busy. Oh yes, it is. But it's . . . different. And I'm not sure I like the change.
Jason has been out of work for four and a half weeks. No decent prospects hover on the horizon; just several unsavory scenarios of my husband working two jobs and one very long shot that could answer all our prayers and yet turn our life completely upside down at the same time. We're at that place now of uncomfortable-ness, that place where we are trusting God for the answers we cannot see. The place where faith ceases to be something I read about in Romans, Phillipians, and James, but instead is something I must actually live out.
I've been spending a good amount of time in WoW these last few weeks. Imara has had some grand adventures, which I hope to eventually write about here. I've ventured into the ancient, ruined troll kingdom of Zul 'Drak and now find myself happily employed gathering rare plants for Alliance alchemists and running quests for troll chieftains who have not yet succumbed to the Scourge. Good times. =)
I've also got my nose in two books that I am really enjoying. I'm reading through Cornelia Funke's Inkheart series, which I highly recommend to those of you who enjoy light-hearted (and clean!) fantasy fiction. Into the Wild is the other book on my nightstand; it's a non-fiction account of a young man who went totally Henry David Thoreau, left his home, his family, even his name behind and hitch-hiked throughout America for two years. He eventually ended up in Alaska, where he planned to live off the land. Hunters found him dead several months later, and this book chronicles his story, told through letters, journals, and the memories of the people he encountered on his trip.
Yeah, I know. I have weird tastes in literature. Jason looked at me with raised eyebrows when I told him about it, but honestly, I think the story is fascinating. I guess they're even making a movie out of it, although I probably won't go see it.
In other news, Jason's sister Helen is coming to stay with us this week!!! She's flying down from WA tomorrow, and we are sooooooooooooo excited to see her! For those of you who don't know, Helen was the first of the Neuhausers I ever met. She befriended me when I was the new girl at church back in high school, was totally thrilled when I started dating Jason, and was a bridesmaid in our wedding. :) Since I have no siblings of my own, you can imagine how blessed I am to have Helen for a sister. :)
Anywho, if I am somewhat absent this week, you can blame her. ;) We're planning a trip to Seaworld, the beach, and a movie night, too. And, of course, lots of time with The Nephew (aka, Caleb).

1 comment:
It's in that weakness of heart (and often faith) that He makes us strong. And Paul delighted in it! That crazy guy! ;) Trusting and holding on to His promises often times make a body weary, but we know in the end when we have walked in His Will, that it all had rhyme and reason. Hang in there. :)
I've seen the Into the Wild movie. I only saw it because we have a TV Guardian (the language would have been outrageous if not...) and it had a scene of nudity that was absolutely unnecessary (we had to skip past it, it lasted forever) anyway, Brandon and I were both depressed after we watched it, ha! Not a movie to watch if you have the blues.
And amen, sister. Christianity without the Cross is nothing. That precious blood that was shed is why we have hope!
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