Ever since we arrived in Washington, my SIL Helen and I have been making plans. Turns out there's all sorts of fun things to do on the Island, and not just during the summer. Today, we made good on one of those plans: we attended a local lavender festival.The festival was held at Lavender Wind Farm, near Coupeville. I prayed for sunshine, but alas! every cloud in the northern hemisphere visited the farm along with us. Maybe clouds are big lavender fans, too.
Lavender has long been my favorite flower. When I lived in the desert, it was one of the few plants I ever grew successfully. I love the smell, I love the color, and today I discovered I love the taste, too. Helen and I shared a lavender & blackberry muffin, lavender lemonade, even a lavender ice cream bar, dipped in dark chocolate. Mmmmm!
I'm very thankful to have Helen close by. After the festival, we got lunch, went home, and watched "Confessions of a Shopaholic." You know what else I'm thankful for? That she enjoys the same girlie things I do. :)
Girl, that looked like SO much fun!! Keep me posted on that lavender buttercream, that sounds divine. Love your new fontage ;) Glad you made it through the change alive and with all your sanity intact. ;) Now, I'm gonna go look at your lavender pics again, so pretty!
How beautiful! There's a lavender farm up in the mountains about two hours from us. I've been once a long time ago, but I would love to go back.
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