He keeps me company while Jason's at work. His giggle is the best sound in the world. He can be serious or silly, snuggly or wiggly, but he's always precious and sweet.He jumps on his bed and says "Hap-py Hap-py Hap-py" over and over. He sees a doughnut in the supermarket and with a hopeful look my way says "Cookie?" while his little fingers swiftly sign "more, please."

He holds my hand while he walks down stairs, runs to me when he gets an "owwie", and clings to my leg as we wade through the lake. After two and a half years, he finally says "mama"; Lord, how I love hearing his little voice!
He's my precious boy, my two year old, my sweet Caleb.
I don't ever want to forget these days.
Awwww! how sweet! I love heaing them call me mama it melts my heart, when he says I love you you'll melt all the way!
This is precious. :) He's such a cute little guy.
So sweet!
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