July 5, 2008

4th of July Fun

Lake Murray. American BBQ. Brownie and Berry Parfaits.
Home Fellowship Friends. Sparkly Fireworks. Two cute kids.
What could be better?

Meet Miss Brooklyn:

And then, there's my son . . .

. . . who is so grown-up now!

Two Tonka trucks: $7. Curious George t-shirt: $5. Gas to drive to the park: $455, 677.oo.

One dirty little boy? Priceless.

Yeah, so it ocurred to me (after the fact, of course) that I didn't take any pictures of us adults. Or of the yummy parfaits. Or of Daisy the dog, who was oh-so-cute-and-snuggly yesterday. Oh well. There's always next year. :)

Happy (belated) 4th of July everyone!

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