The title of this post notwithstanding, I'm not sure I'm ready for spring. I mean, running the A/C on the first of March as the temperature reaches 86 degrees is a little, um, pre-Vernal Equinox. Just not convinced I'm emotionally prepared to handle spring showers and May flowers yet.
But whether I'm ready or not, spring seems to have sprung. Scroll down to see the proof.
Warning: I am fully aware that non-Southern-California people read this blog and I'm not, repeat, NOT trying to make you drool or beg or turn green with envy. Please be advised this is not an exercise in antagonism. Thank you.
This morning I took Caleb out for a hike in Santee (near our home).
Told you spring was here.
And here are those fuzzy caterpillars which are hatching everywhere.
"Fuzzy galloping caterpillars, Batman!"
Ready or not, I cannot deny the landscape is mighty pretty.
One of these years I'll remember where I live and that we only have two seasons here: hot and cool. One of these years, spring (aka, the three weeks leading up to summer) will cease to take me by surprise. One of these years, I'll just enjoy said three weeks of spring and try to forget how brown and ugly everything will be by June.
Yep, one of these years.

Great Blog, I just found you tonight. You take really nice pictures too. Take care!
Hello! Nice to *meet* you! =) Welcome to the Inkwell. Stop and stay a while.
Beautiful daisy! I'm trying not to drool...trying, trying.... 80 degree weather is due to arrive here at the end of this week and I'm ready for it!
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