April 11, 2008

One Quiet Moment

Ahhhh, quiet. Blissful quiet.

I've acheived a new level of respect for tranquility since becoming a mother. :)

Naptimes are like mana from heaven. Today, I've cleaned up the office, put laundry away, put groceries away, finished watching a Numb3rs episode while eating lunch, and ordered a small photo album off of Shutterfly.com's website. :)

Tonight, Mom and Harry are going to watch Caleb for us while Jason and I venture into Gruuls with our troop of Legendary peeps, braving the wrath of High King Mulgore (king of the ogres) and then, hopefully, Gruul the Dragonslayer himself. :) Should be an eventful evening.

And, if the phone ever stops ringing and my brain stops spinning, I might actually find some time to sit here and write a proper post for ya'll. Complete with pictures. Color pictures. :)

In the meantime, I'm off to enjoy the rest of my quiet afternoon. Later, ya'll.


Mishel said...

I'm so glad you were able to have some quiet time to get things done and then some "fun" time. The Lord is so good to give us those moments just when we need them. : )

And congrats on your win over at Ashleigh's!

Continuing to pray for your grandpa...

Tiffany said...

It sounds like you got a lot done! I watch a little girl who is 19 months and I totally hear what you are saying about nap time.

Yeah you won!! Thats so fun!